Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Influential People - Those Less Known

Influential People from The Smokey Generation on Vimeo.

We hear the names Paul Gleason, Jim Cook or Ben Charley in wildland fire. Most of us will never have their notoriety; however, the impact we have may be equally influential. Each wildland fire leader has the power to do great things. Each has the ability to make a difference in the lives of those we love and serve. Be great. Lead well.

What is your story? We challenge you to become a part of this amazing  project and share your leadership stories. Bethany Hannah began The Smokey Generation: A Wildland Fire Oral History and Digital Storytelling Project for her master's thesis. All members of the wildland fire service, not just hotshots, can share their stories by following her example. Click here for potential leadership questions. Visit The Smokey Generation website for complete information.

The Smokey Generation logo


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